Story of Momo Taro and poor man

 Momo Taro and the man-

Once upon a time, There was a poor man who lived with his mother. His mother was very old and sick. He has a hut, in which he lived with his mother. The hut was in a village.  Sorryy…! At the village there was a big hill, the hut was on the top of hill. The village was belonging  to a rich king named Osman saddler. The poor man’s hut was half broken so the cold wind of the hill straightly goes to his mother and by the cold wind the mother gets more sick. So one day the man climbed down the hill and went to the village. He begged to the villagers to give him some materials to build his hut completely but no one gave him, Even he went to the king but king also denied because he only wants some materials to build a ‘’Royal Fountain’’ in his garden. The man knows that name of king is saddler and he also make his people. So the poor man went to his home by climbing the hill. Suddenly he saw a doll made of cement. But he thought that this is a man like him. So he started begging him for materials, Suddenly Momo taro get life. He stand up and took a stick and shake it in the air suddenly many materials fall on ground Thud!!!!!. The man collect all the material, said ‘’Very very very…….. much Thankyou. The man happily went to his home to fix his hut. A another greedy villager saw the scene of the man and momo taro. So he jumped out and hit Momo taro very much. He asked Momo Taro a treasure in Bad tempered and greedy voice. Then Momo Taro again shake the stick in air and a stage of garbage fall on him and Momo Taro managed to escape. Momo taro went to the poor man’s fixed hut safely from the greedy man. The poor man give him so much of tasty food. Momo taro eat that happily and quickly as he was very hungry. But the greedy man was angry, he can’t control his anger. The greedy man straightly run to the king. He complained to the king that ‘’ My higness, there is a doll at the hill named Momo taro he does a magic and get you what you want’’ By listening to the greedy man the king commanded his well trained soldiers to find Momo Taro an give it to me i.e to king. So the poor man  lift Momo Taro on his back and he ran away to save Momo Taro. But the man and Momo Taro saw the king’s opposition king was with his big army and were deciding to attack on the King Osman Saddler empire seceratly i.e they were going to do a surgical strike. The man listened every words and he thought that if I will go to tell the king about the opposition king’s surgical strike plan then he will take the Momo Taro from me and if I will not tell then the whole empire will be finished. Now the poor man was very confuse then he decided that now he should not think about himself he has to think about the innocent people of the EMPIRE. So he quickly ran to the king and tell him everythings king assemble the fight and he won and by man’s honesty he gave him so much money. Now the man was not the poor man he is the rich man. Now rich man make a big house for Momo taro and he always comes to meet momo taro but one day momo taro called a weird cloud he sat on the cloud and fly in the sky and never meet anyone and the man and momo taro lived merrily in their happy life.


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