Miss Nelson is missing

 Once upon a time in America there was was a school name S.T Xavier school. The class 306's students were very naughty. The teacher of that class was Miss Nelson.

Miss Nelson always study everyone happily, politely and nicely. 

But the children never listen to her. The always play on studies and also on story timing time which is the best subject for children from school. 

Some may make paper planes and fly it, some may talk , some may make an arena on floor and fight etc.

Miss Nelson was tired and bored of these children.

Next day in the class a witch type looking lady come and say to children in ugly and weird voice that "Hello , I am a witch and I am your teacher from now as Miss Nelson is missing".Children shocked!

Hello I am the narrator of story, I want to give you the description of the witch so read the next paragrph.

The witch looks very ugly he wore a black dress , having 1 meter of nails , having long dust and ugly nose having eyes but not having the black dot in eyes which help us to see but she can see everything  clearly , and wearing a black hat.

Lets continue the story from next paragraph.

The children tried to find Miss Nelson but she cannot be founded. 

One day in the class Miss Nelson came suddenly , every child hugged her now the children behaved properly and studied well.

At that night Miss Nelson was on bed.

Narrator(me) - Miss Nelson was sleeping and then I saw the dress od the ugly witch in his cupboard means Miss Nelson was only that wich to make the children proper.

                        THANK YOU


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