In Japanese language レオンs。ケネディのフルネームはレオンスコットケネディです。彼は彼のゲームのためにCAPCOMゲームスタジオによって作られた架空のキャラクターです。彼のゲームはバイオハザードシリーズです。彼は日本の傘代理店で働いていました。彼の有名な映画の1つはバイオハザードヴェンデッタです。この映画はNetflixで入手できます。彼のすべての映画やゲームで、彼はシルバーゴースト拳銃タイプの名前を持っていました。彼はエイダウォンを愛していましたが、彼女とは結婚しませんでした。ゲーム「バイオハザード3」でレオンとエイダ・ウォンのラブストーリーを見ることができます。
Once upon a time , there was a hut there a old lady lived. One day she decided to make a ginger bread man. First she shape the chocolate dough in gingerbreadman's shape and she bake it in her oven after few moments she open the door of oven she saw that gingerbreadman became alive. He quickly ran out of the front door and then he was singing a song and runing "You can't catch me because I am ginger bread man Ha Ha Ha... Then he stopped and rest there a goat came and said "Wow today I will have delicious breakfast of gingerbreadman" Then goat ran to catch the gingerbreadman. But she suddenly got stop as she was leashed with rope. Then he go to forest and there he met a fox he thought that "I want to eat gingerbreadman he was knowing that gingerbreadman will not let me eat him" Then fox said you want to have a amazing ride on me in the lake he said to gingerbreadman. Gingerbreadman said yes. Then He sat on fox's. And then fox went into lake he swam a...
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