How humans came on Earth ? Part 2

 This is part 2 of how Humans came on Earth.

 Please check it in my blog. So lets start. Dinasours exist in our Earth for 14 crore years. They were in family of lizards. Then what happened how them ? Where they all got died. To know that how they died we have to go back into that time. Before 6.5 crore years ago. Earths atmosphere was normal. 4 sides trees , bright sunlight and oceans cold wind. But there was one more type of animal that was small in size and it looks like todays rats. They were our grandparents. After long period of time they were only going to be humans. They were mammals and we are also mammals. For you knowledge I am saying that dinasours give eggs. But maamals does not give eggs. That time by the fear of dinasours that mammals live inside land. When all mammals and dinasours were living a happy life. One 10km diametre's asteroid came on Earth. When it came on Earth's gravitational field its speed became more fast. As soon as the asteroid came into Earth suddenly it became a fire asteroid. Its shine was so bright that all dinasours got blind. And it smash to the ground and by the power of it the land was vibrating and ocean got on land and got tsunami. Its radiation was so powerful that all animals got fire on them and died. And then a storm came on Earth. The black clouds cover Earth from all 4 sides so sunlight couldn't reach earth. All dinasours died but what about mammals they save their life from this incident. Before some lakh years ago. Now the black cloud went down. And sun can reach Earth so plants grow up. Then the maammals were increased in their size and their look was change. This is their look. Yes, they were changed into monkey. Before 4.7 crore years ago. Now Earths 1 day was of 24 hrs. Now Earth techno plates again move and form a new land that was the same land in which we are living today when 2 land mix up 1 part of land come on second part and make a series and make himalya and by that force it make Mt. Everest. And it fall snow and by the snow melting it make rivers , oceans and seas. But something was remaining that was us humans. Before 40 lakh years ago. In africa a valley formed that was EAST AFRICAN RIFT VALLEY. And by that valley rain was not caming and in that forest our grandparents were living monkeys. They live on trees as they can break fruits and eat. But by no rain all trees dry and no fruits were their. But there were some trees left but not with fruit so they started eating leaves. They were also known as ARDIPITHECUS RAMIDUS. They were our grandparents that had taken a big decision. Their mind was as big as orange. And in height they were of 4 feet. After 1000 years they practiced to walk on 2 legs and successfull in that. Now in the time they learn how to make weapons with stone and their mind became bigger. Now they learn to make and use fire. They started making familys. They were known as HOMO ERECTUS. Now they form language and signs to supply their signals to each other. Now we know how earth form , we know that we are standing on this land how it came .


           This is the part 2 ,this the last part



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