How humans came on Earth ? Part 1

 We human, now we are very intelligent. We have science to have all answer of questions. But you know that how human these animals , dinosaurs came on Earth lets know. Earth is our home. Before 4.5 arab years ago. Pieces of one chhatan was having very much fall of asteroids and meteors. This process was going for few years and the it form a house in which we live today, Earth. And it make its own moom the Earth was made with only lava. After few years Earth temperature was cool. Before 3.9 arab years ago. Again the asteroids and meteor fall on earth that we called as THE LATE HEAVY BOMBARDMENT. This asteroids and meteor bring something that wer ice crystals that bring sea and oceans on our Earth. But life did not exist now also. Befor 3.8 arab years ago. Again asteroids and meteor fall. But they bring not only water they bring minerals also like vitamins , protein etc. Then all minerals mix themselves and make life they make bacteria. The bacterias population was increasing very fast. The sea and oceans were fully filled with bacterias. Before 3.5 arab years ago. The all bacterias mix themselves and be into a type of stone they were called as STROMOLITES. The stomolites realease something , It is the most important thing in world that was oxygen. Before 1.5 arab years ago. Now the Earth was having a Earthquick after erth quick the earths land was moving from their places and fix to each other and form a supercontinent that was called as rodinia continent. That time the one day of Earth was 18 hrs. Before 75 crore years ago. Now the Earths supercontienent was broke down. The lands downwards lava came up. By this incident the carbon dioxide increase so by the carbon dioxide  the black clouds sorroumded Earth and make acid and fall acid rain. Then by clouds sorrounding of Earth it could not get sunlight the the first ice-age fall on earth. Then carbon dioxide increased and melt the ice so ice was gone from earth. But what happened to the bacteria which was in water. Before 54 crore years ago. By the oxygen of bacteria the life exist in water there were small animals in oceans the were plants also grown in sea. And there was one dangerous animal also it was ANOMALOCARIS. There were another also but they were cute and they were not dangerous there name was PIKAIA. Pikaia were 5 cm long. The Pikaia were having a life of humans they were first animal which were having bones. Before 46 crore years ago. There were no tree and plants now also because the sun was giving much sunlight. But now there will be no issue of tree and plants as by oxygen ozoen layer was creating. Now plants were growing on Earth and then one sea animal named as TIKTAALIK decided to go on land and they were successful in going to land. They practiced how to live on land and walk after few years they got legs. After getting legs they were called as TETRAPODS. Before 36 crore years ago. The tetrapods were full land animal. They were the animals which were going to be animals and dinasours and at the end humans. But now Earth's atmosphere was increased. Then again carbon dioxide increased. All plants destroyed and life on earth was 50% the some animals eat evrything that they see. And to save their life from hotness the live inside land. And after many years Earth temperature became normal. Before 20 crore years ago. Then it became a supercontinent which was name as PANGEA. Then the plant again grow and by 50% animals it grow in dinosaurs. Some were non-veg some were veg. Some were tall some were short. Some were dangerous some were not.

     So we will continue in next video this was

     part 1.


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